It isn't about waiting out the storm it's learning to dance in the rain!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Joining the fun

We are finally joining the 'bloggers of America'! Casey's sisters keep telling me I can do it even though I am technologically challenged - so, here goes nothing. A little about us.... Casey is still a workaholic and working at US Novelty and politicking on the side. I am expecting our second child in May and YEAH!! it's a girl. I also work very part time at an Imaging Center. As for Jordan- he is growing so fast and loves to run, run, run.

Here are a few pictures. This family picture was taken in July of '07. As for the rest of them - we love taking pics of our little boy.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club!

Sarah (: said...

Jordan is getting so big! He's so cute though!